Accommodation & facilities
To All Residents,
Please note that the following facilities are now available to you during the hours listed below at our office in 1st Floor, Thomas House, 3 Wellington Street, Woolwich SE18 6NY:
- Courtesy phone
- Computer with internet access
- Printing & photocopying facilities
Office Hours
Monday : 10.00am – 5.00pm
Tuesday : 10.00am – 5.00pm
Wednesday : Closed
Thursday : 10.00am – 5.00pm
Friday : 10.00am – 5.00pm
Saturday : Closed
Sunday : Closed
This service is provided to allow you to benefit from the use of email systems, ability to gain information from websites, to create, update and edit your resume, to search and submit online applications for employment and training and is intended for personal use only.
As always, we remain available for individual consultation, assistance with filling in forms, advice on welfare, benefits and starting work as well as any matters related to your tenancies.

Accommodation & facilities
Please note that the following facilities are now available to you during the hours listed below at our office in 1st Floor, Thomas House, 3 Wellington Street, Woolwich SE18 6NY
Advice & Guidance
Our aim is to keep providing the services we offer and also develop a viable system that will enable advice & information to be readily accessed.
Pathway to employment
As well as job search support and work experience, job seekers will have greater access to training and skills development and other help at a time better suited to their needs.
Compliments and Complaints
It is important for us to know what we are doing right. If you are impressed with any of our services, or if any of our staff have excelled in their duties.
How to Apply
Referral agencies
Accept self referrals and referrals from any agency.
Referral procedure Phone Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
Application form filled in by applicant and referral agency.
Need proof of ID.